How can balances help me?
A balance is designed to help individuals, couples, families or groups of people find their own wisdom so they can regain their personal power and let their Soul evolve, living more of a life of love, peace and joy.
Whether you are balancing yourself, family or your relationships, balancing helps you to remove unwanted negative emotions, beliefs and programs, genetic links, karmic issues, past life imbalances (from 5 seconds ago to life times ago), sabotages, suppressions, stored memories, rebalancing the kundalini, improving self love, self worth, rebalancing hormones, vows and promises just to name a few, all with the intention of creating a much happier, loving, fulfilled and peaceful internal life.
Basically the aim is to balance you to the point that the life you crave is the life you have. Although there is no quick fix, there is a balance between the energetic and your physical actions, this is one of the many ways that can assist you to go from where you are to where you want to be.
Types of Balances
Emotion, Body & Belief Code
Belief Code: Unearthing unwanted subconscious beliefs to free your mind, body and spirit. Removing negative beliefs systems in the subconscious mind known and unknown to you consciously.
Body Code: Revolutionary energy balancing system, intended to help you uncover the root causes of discomfort, sickness and suffering in the body and spirit – the ability to make corrections on the spot to identify underlying energetic imbalances so you can feel more connected to your true self. Deep diving into Emotional wellness, Body Systems, Toxin Resolution, Pathogen Resolution, Structural and Nutrition & Lifestyle.
Emotion Code: Releasing trapped emotions from the energy of the body to allow the body to heal faster and more efficiently.
Reiki & Chakra A Japanese healing technique that uses gentle touch to promote relaxation and wellbeing. Its based on the idea that energy flows through all living things and to assist in removing stagnant and blocked energy flow (chi) through the body improving the ability to heal itself.
An Energies As One (for couples, family, friends and groups) – this looks at balancing the interaction between two or more people. Sometimes issues arise in a group dynamic that are not brought about by an individual/s in an individual balance. The issues have been stacked and sit there for days, months or even years, trapped in the combined energies of everyone. The issues can prevent a harmonious relationship and block growth. The energies as one balance clears out the feeder energy between people creating a more balanced relationship.
Brilliance of Light Cycle – this is a great process for clearing the energy when you have limited time and need a energy frequency adjustment. It is quick simple yet a powerful balance which looks at re-programming the frequency to correct the level for internal alignment (please contact us to schedule).
Physical Balance – this looks at identifying energy imbalances in the physical body, using acupressure points. We pinpoint systems and place within those systems where the energy is compromised to help re-establish balance within your body. (please contact us to schedule).
Overcoming Fear – We all have fears locked within our systems, whether they are conscious, subconscious, unconscious, genetic etc.. . This balance helps to identify all fears known and unknown. If we were to replace all our fears with love, life would run smoothly and our resistance to change, fear of our destiny and the future for example would be dissolved.
Dissolving Foreign Energies – This balance is designed to help one identify energies that are foreign to us. By identifying distracting energies, the being as a whole has the chance to release the problems foreign energies are causing. Distracting energies come in many forms, from hooks and cords to addictions to phones and social media etc
Personal Power – It is important for us to remain within our personal power as it enables us to respond and not react, allowing us to remain calm, centered, grounded and at peace. This balance helps to identify where and why we are giving away our personal power, so our own truth and integrity can be restored.
Immune System – We all have an immune system physically. It removes fungus, bacteria, viruses etc… . Metaphysically, it helps to remove fears, activating the body crystal, removing implants etc. It is important to keep the immune system balanced, both physically and metaphysically, so we are not getting energetically drained by invading energies.
House, Room and Land – houses, rooms and land hold energy that can become unbalanced. This is a great balance for a general energy clear out or if you are moving into a new home or if you are selling a home or if there is a specific issue with the house, room or land.
Car – cars hold energy that can get unbalanced. This is a great balance if you have bought a new car, need an energy clean out of your current car or you are wanting to sell your car.
Draining Energies – Draining energies are detrimental to our growth and evolution. We can have energy draining from our physical and energetic systems. We can experience energy draining from things like our finances, peace, relationships, focus and much more. Any draining within our energy fields creates imbalances everywhere in our life.
These energetic drains can be caused by emotions and life such as anger, frustration, friends, family, medications, accidents etc.
Cables Balance – The cables are an energy grid that sit directly over the body crystal (your body) and protect the body, feeding information into the cells and project out. They are the bodies inbuilt electrical system keeping the electrics of the body at optimum levels. When the cables are in perfect order, their energy grid matches the energy grid of the earth. The body is made up of crystal energy, organic matter and earth elements, this is why the cables match the earth grid.
Unfortunately, these cables can become kinked, squashed, broken
etc. which causes dysfunction in the energy patterning throughout the Being and could would cause it to manifest
currents of energy that are not from the earth, thus leaving the body ungrounded and open to interference.
Master Energy Keys – The Master Energy Keys can be likened to a non-verbal language that asks the energies to access and do certain things. The Master Energy Keys balance takes the energies to the core of the dysfunction, whether that be in a future life or a past life and corrects the imbalances that are creating trauma now.
This is a deep balance that takes the energies to the place where the problems occurred.
Releasing Attached Energies – The Releasing Attached Energies Balance is all about removing attached energies from the energy fields. Sometimes these attached energies have been in our energies for hundreds or even thousands of years and we need to alert the energies to their presence in order to remove them.
Attached energies can come in many shapes and forms they can come from a different lifetime, they can be hooks and cords or they can be negative energies, lost soul, negative entities etc. These energies attach to any fears or weakness within our energies and then create an energy dysfunction.
Eye and Vision – The eye is one of the fundamental organs of the body. While it is not life threatening to be without the eyes or their primary role of sight, they are a map of what is happening within the body and energy fields, as well as being the windows to our Soul that link us in with our destiny, dreams, potential etc.
This balance incorporates looking at the eyes from three different perspectives :-
1. Our eyes as our organs of sight. How our eyes are performing and how clear our sight is.
2. Viewing the eyes as the windows to our Soul. Looking at our destiny and how we are being affected on all levels of our Being.
3. Seeing what energies the eyes are holding in terms of what is happening within our energies and what issues we are holding onto.
This balances the eyes from three different levels incorporating the aspects of sight and our broader visions in life.
Part of the Being – This balance is specifically designed to balance all twelve parts of the Being, to allow our lives to flow along safely and easily.
The balance identifies how, when, where and why any or all parts of the Being have become unbalanced and goes about re-patterning the energies to promote evolution.
If our Being is built on a steady foundation, things in our life fall into place and our energies flow freely and unobstructed.
Kaleidoscope – The kaleidoscope is the crystal energy patterning system within the body and energy fields. The crystals are coloured in the colours of the rainbow, incorporating red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet as well as the balancing colours of white and black.
The core from which the kaleidoscope generates its patterning is located behind the body crystal, which is located behind the navel on the physical body.
Each colour has its own healing qualities and will be directly associated to the blocks in your life.
Organs – Our organs are the indicators of imbalances within our energy systems. We see many examples of this in our daily life e.g. when nervous, some people have reactions in the stomach and start to vomit, while other people may experience the stress through the bowel and develop diarrhea. Also under stress, the adrenals release more hormones and increase the pulse rate, increase blood pressure and you can start to sweat and feel unwell from the stress response within the organs.
By balancing the energies of the organs it can help the body deal better with stress, improve health, increase energy levels and vitality and aide in your overall wellbeing and maybe even stop a potential problem before it manifests.
Our organs have an extremely important role not only with our physical health but also with our energies as well.
*this balance is not designed provide you with a diagnosis
Business – A business holds stress within its energies and these changes in the energy patterning have an impact on the effectiveness of the business as a whole.
All sorts of stress can be held within the energies of a business from financial flow problems and management problems, to karma, curses and implants that are stopping the business from evolving.
It is important to keep the energies of our business balanced, when the energies of our business flow freely, all aspect of our lives seem to flow better as well.
Allow the energies of your business to flourish, you deserve it!
Selves – We have within us six Selves. These Selves get information from different areas and provide skills and talents from different places. The selves can also be holding onto old programs, sabotages etc that are continually feeding our Being. So when people say they are sabotaging themselves, they probably are by one or more of their Selves.
The six Selves we deep dive into are the Active, Past, Present, Future, Parallel, Alternate and Multiple selves.
Meters – Meters are responsible for gauging certain things and circumstances in our life, and each of the Meters have eight components that govern roles within that Meter.
This balance is all about finding the imbalances within the Meters and within the components, and then removing the surrogates and readjusting the frequencies for the Meters so that they are performing at optimum levels.
Types of Meters we deep dive into are the Weight Gauge, Cell Health, Age, Energy Flow,
Personal Power, Enlightenment, Support and Protection, Creativity Enhancement, System Compatibility, Stress Release, Memory and Change Meter.
Advanced Business – This balance can be done with or without the general Business Balance and addresses three levels of a business completed separately and as a trilogy balance addressing:
The Foundation – what is being held in the energies of the business from conception.
The Fundamentals- the workings of the business on a day to day level; production, bookwork, sales etc
The Projection – the future of the business; your ideas, concepts and the planning of the future direction of the business.
Love – The attainment of a pure love vibration is what this balance is all about. With filtered infinite love being the purest of all the different love vibrations. Different love vibrations get trapped in our system as a result of past life experiences, genetic programming, different relationships etc. As a result our energies attract situations to us that are not necessarily aligned to our highest good. These love vibrations also keep us in revolving patterns that attract the same or similar lessons to us over and over again.
Money – Money is an energy like any other and as such operates with the same principles. Money can be sabotaged, suppressed, blocked, lost, not flowing etc.
The money we have is determined by many factors such as our own beliefs, genetic beliefs, religious programming, karmic patterning, self worth and self love issues, our willingness to achieve, vows, promises, past life imbalances, the financial situation we were born into etc.
Do you overspend? Are you unable to save? Are you in a cycle of debt? Do you never have the money to do what you want to?
Are money and financial stresses affecting your relationships?
Do you feel like you deserve more than you are getting?
If the answer is yes to any of these questions then there is a program about money tucked away in your energies that is having a destructive impact.
Money is an energy that we need to work with in this physical life and we need to know our financial state and work with it and not against it. One of the life challenges for many people is to work with the money that they have and to get the most from life without being plunged into an uncontrollable spiral of debt, especially living in a world that promotes credit and interest free purchases for sometimes years.
Money is just one part of our life but it is probably the most destructive force when it is out of balance because it affects every area of life.
Language Coding – Language Coding for Energy Understanding is a balance that utilises wording of a certain vibration to access and clear certain energies universally in and around our system to keep us in our power and self essence and to help make our journey as easy as possible.
Basically this balance bypasses the conscious mind.
*When carrying out a balance on your issues, problems, challenges, resistances, goals that you have presented, we always seek from your energies what type of balance is the best balance for you to ensure you receive the most optimum improvements and changes.
More Types of Balances Coming Soon:
- Soul Evolution Phase Balance – this looks at the phases of evolution in our Soul development and what is being held in this energy so that the space can be cleared.
- States of Consciousness Balance – looks at the levels of consciousness and what is being held within them. These energies feed through our layers of consciousness and can potentially create disruptions in all areas of life.
- Manifestation Balance – this balance looks at what is being held in our manifestation process. It look at the causes of the block and where it is being blocked in our systems. There are also some visualisations and affirmations for manifestation.
- Lifetime DNA Balance – this looks at the lifetimes issues between 2 or more people that carry through lifetimes on our lifetime DNA. Lifetime DNA holds the experiences we have with people through repeating life experiences.
- Dimensional DNA Balance – which looks at our multi-dimensional self finding imbalances which feed into our physical reality,
- Age Access Balance – which looks what programs are in our system and at what age they went in so the system can reset itself right through to the present
- Self Awareness Balance – which looks at Insights and Questions to help the system recognise unresolved imbalances
- Relationship Balance – this looks at what relationships we attract into our lives and the repeating patterns we keep living. It looks at relationships of all forms not just the relationship with a partner.
- Energy Restructure Balance – this looks at balancing our energy structure through our core, foundation and connection. If our energy structure is out of balance then we are unable to hold and sustain new energy as our energy keeps collapsing.
- States Balance – this looks at all the different disempowering states that our energy can go into. It looks at what issues are being held in these states and repatterning the system to come back to their point of power.